The Electromagnetic Spectrum

The  electromagnetic spectrum is the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation‘s quantum is the photon.

The electromagnetic spectrum is comprised of Gamma rays , X-rays , Ultraviolet , visible light , infrared , micro waves and radio waves. Another common misconception in science is that sound waves make part  of the electromagnetic spectrum . That  is not true . Even thought they can both be measured in Hz , calling a sound wave a part of the electromagnetic spectrum is like calling an actual wave part of the electromagnetic spectrum, because they are both waves that propagate through a fluid.


The electromagnetic spectrum extends from below the low frequencies used for radio communication these days to gamma radiation at the short-wavelength end. The limit for long wavelengths is the size of the universe itself, while it is thought that the short wavelength limit is around the Planck length. Until the middle of last century it was believed by most physicists that this spectrum was infinite and continuous.

Next time I’m going to talk about the fundamental particles .

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